Rte Online Form Kaise Bhare

RTE Admission 2023-24 || RTE Online Form Kaise Bhare || How to Fill RTE Admission Form Online kaise bhare step by step pura process.

Rte Online Form Kaise Bhare

My Dear Friend,

             In this video we have given information about how to fill RTE admission form online kaise bhare/ rte online form kaise bhare. You can teach your children's admission for free in any private school, as well as some money is sent to your account by the government for dress copy-books etc. So that you can give good education to your children. That's why friends, you should make the video reach as many people as possible so that they too can know about the scheme. Thank you


RTE Online Form Kaise Bhare Step By Step.

0:00 Rte Admission Process.

1:08 Step 1, Rte Online Application Registration form, Online Application/Student Login

02:28 Step 2, Fill Rte Registration form, basic information. The below page would open where the applicant has to enter the required fields to register.

06:12 Step 3, Get The Registration Slip and Next Complete the Rte Form. Once the details are filled in then note down your Registration Number as shown below and click on ‘Complete the Form’ button to complete the registration process.

06:36 Step 4, Enter the father and Mother name and address information,

08:07 Step 5, Upload Document Only jpg or jpeg in 100kb, After filling all the information, upload the necessary documents. Browse photo and other required documents on the application page of the portal. The image size should be max 100 KB now click on 'Click here to upload all images'. 

09:19 Step 6, The applicant can select the school from the drop down list as shown below. The applicant can give minimum 1 and maximum 10 school of their choices.

10:18 Step 7,  Once the form is filled, the applicant can view his/her application on “Student Form 2022 Preview” page. The applicant is required to carefully go through all the details in order to make note of any mistakes which have to be corrected. If all the information given is correct then click on “Lock and Final Print”.

10:36 Step 7-I, If you have to change any of the information given, click on “EDIT” button and change the given details.

11:18 Step 8, If the form is complete select “Final Print”. Then take Final Print.

11:50 Step 9, Student Aplication form 2022 (final print).

12:08 Step 10, Student Dash board, you claque and Step by Step 1 Registration Print, 2. Complete form, 3 Final Print.

12:22 Step 11, Your Form Submitted successfully. 


Website - http://rte25.upsdc.gov.in/

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Rte form kaise bhare,

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How to fill Rte application form 2023,

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